Delivering What Chemists Want—ACD/Labs Introduces New NMR Software

6 Dec 2007

ACD/Labs unveils a new product aimed at helping synthetic chemists and casual users of NMR by reducing the amount of time required to spend on data analysis. This product provides chemists with quick and easy spectrum viewing and processing along with interpretation assistance that helps them make better, faster, and more independent decisions.

Synthetic chemists spend the majority of their time on chemical reactions, synthesizing and purifying compounds, and preparing reports for publications, patents, and presentations. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) experiments are routinely run to ensure that a reaction has come to completion. In an open-access environment, this may involve looking at a paper printout in the instrument room, or trying to figure out how to use expert software for simple things such as expanding regions on a spectrum or re-integrating peaks. But how exactly does NMR software help chemists come to a conclusion on the identity of a chemical structure? Chemists who still use the paper printout might ask the question, “Why use NMR software at all?”

Enter ACD/1D NMR Assistant from Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc. (ACD/Labs), the new NMR software package built specifically with the chemist in mind. It helps assign NMR data and automatically evaluates whether a proposed chemical structure is consistent with a 1H NMR spectrum. If the structure does not match, the software will highlight specifically where the inconsistency lies, focusing the chemist’s attention on the problematic area.

In addition to this unique functionality, ACD/1D NMR Assistant provides all the processing and analysis features available in other NMR software packages, accessible in a logical and intuitive way. The software lets you completely process and analyze a spectrum with a minimum number of mouse clicks. Preparing a patent submission? ACD/1D NMR Assistant can create a multiplet report in patent format with one click. Creating a publication, report, or poster? All spectra, tables, and structures can easily be copied to common word processing and desktop publishing applications.

ACD/1D NMR Assistant is an affordable desktop NMR software solution for any group that wishes to provide synthetic chemists with access to their NMR data electronically.

How did ACD/Labs know what chemists wanted?

“We spent the last several years speaking with chemists and spectroscopists who support chemists. In this time, we learned a great deal about their needs and desires with regards to NMR software,” said Brent Lefebvre, NMR Product Manager, ACD/Labs. “Following the first stage of development, we pre-released the software to groups of synthetic chemists in five different pharmaceutical organizations to garner impressions, suggestions, and feedback. We then went back to development with this input and built what we have today. This process was a crucial step in the development of this product. We now have a software package for chemists that was built by chemists.”

To see what ACD/1D NMR Assistant can do, or to request a free evaluation copy, visit the article webpage to watch the movie and fill out a request form.

