Detect and Analyse Multiple Proteins on Single Blot using New Imaging System from UVP

8 Jul 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

The BioSpectrum® Imaging System from UVP is designed for multiple imaging applications, supplying a full range of wavelengths for excitation and enabling high resolution image capture through the use of cooled CCD camera and low light lenses.

The BioSpectrum combined with the BioLite™ MultiSpectral Light Source provides a powerful system to excite and illuminate wavelengths for applications including multiplex NIR imaging. Exposures times are very fast, much faster than laser scanning. The BioSpectrum Imaging System with BioLite MultiSpectral Source features:

• Easy to use VisionWorks®LS software automates research with templates for consistent, reproducible results
• High resolution and low light sensitivity cooled CCD camera and optics allow quick detection of a full range of visible and NIR fluorescent dyes
• Automated imaging of white light and multiple different fluorescent tags on a single blot
• A combination of up to 8 excitation and 5 emission wavelengths for meet all spectral ranges in single experiment

With the extensive range of excitation and emission filters available, researchers can detect as well as quantify virtually all fluorescent dye from visible to NIR using VisionWorks®LS acquisition and analysis software. The use of NIR and visible fluorescent labels permit multiplexing so that several proteins in a sample can be detected and analyzed at the same time on a single protein blot. UVP offers several filters used for NIR blotting with 680 and 770 to 800nm fluorescent tags. “With the recent release of VisionWorksLS 7.0 software powering the BioSpectrum system, easy and optimal image detection and fast analysis with the simple user interface is now a reality. No matter which fluorophore stain or label is used.” states Alex Waluszko, VP for Marketing and Sales.

Routine NIR imaging with the BioSpectrum and BioLite MultiSpectral Source is fast, efficient and straightforward yielding full 16-bit images for quantitation and publication. Sean Gallagher, PhD and UVP’s VP and Chief Technology Officer further states, "Automated multiplex NIR fluorescent imaging with the UVP BioSpectrum further expands the capabilities of the most versatile and cost effective fluorescent imaging system available today."

