Detect Your Unseen Proteins

Duolink Amplified Secondary Antibody Detection

26 Oct 2016
Lynsey Forsyth
Post Doc / Research Fellow

The vast majority of proteins interact with other proteins for proper biological activity. Duolink enables you to detect, quantify and visualize protein-protein interactions, single target protein expression levels, and post translational modification events. This technology outperforms traditional protein detection methods by visualizing proteins in their native state through combining the selectivity of antibodies and sensitivity of nucleic acid amplification.

  • Visualize individual interactions without having to overexpress proteins​
  • Detect and quantify weak and transient interactions at endogenous levels
  • Gain high specificity with dual binding of primary antibodies
  • Single molecule sensitivity due to signal amplification
  • Analyze using standard immunofluorescence instruments
  • Amenable to high throughput cell-based screens

For a limited time, get 10% off Duolink products - Visit the website.

