Determining the Electrical Charge on Material Surfaces

10 Oct 2018
Finn Price
Administrator / Office Personnel

Testa Analytical Solutions e.K. has introduced a Surface Zeta Potential option for its NanoBrook range of zeta potential analyzers.

Adding the new surface zeta potential option to a Nanobrook analyzer allows you to measure the electrical charge on materials like coated glass, plastic, tape, or other flexible surfaces. The system uses known probe particles and purpose-designed electrode to calculate surface zeta potential.

Leveraging proprietary phase analysis light scattering (PALS) technology – Nanobrook analyzers provide an unmatched platform for determining the surface charge on macroscopic materials. A Nanobrook analyzer with Surface Zeta Potential option can be used to measure electrical charge on surfaces up to 3 orders of magnitude lower than with a conventional system based on electrophoretic light scattering technology. Using the new option scientists can now precisely measure surface zeta potential in less than a minute.

