Diagnosis of bacterial and fungal pathogens using culture-independent molecular testing

Join us Monday, November 16, to explore the advantages and applications of direct molecular testing

3 Nov 2020
Tom Casburn
Associate Editor
Dr. Michael Lustig, COO at Molzym GmbH & Co. KG

Conventional culture methods for the diagnosis of bacterial and fungal infections are often limited by a long time of culturing or the occurrence of negative results due to the administration of antibiotics or fastidious growth requirements. As an accepted alternative, culture-independent approaches are widely used.

In this webinar, Dr. Michael Lustig, COO at Molzym GmbH & Co. KG, will share his vast experience of direct molecular testing and present a wide overview of available solutions and their applications. The factors that favor direct testing will be outlined and the diagnostic value of broad-range 16S/18S rRNA gene PCR and how the results impact the antimicrobial therapy selection will also be discussed.

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This webinar will cover the following:

  • Limitations of conventional culture methods
  • Advantages, disadvantages and applications of specific PCR, multiplex PCR and universal broad-range PCR assays
  • Factors influencing the performance of direct molecular testing
  • Requirements that favor direct testing
  • Diagnostic value and clinical impact of broad-range 16S/18S rRNA gene PCR and sequencing

Who should attend?

  • Laboratory directors, laboratory managers, quality managers
  • Clinical, hospital, and laboratory stakeholders
  • Clinicians, medical laboratory scientists and technicians

The live webinar takes place on Monday, November 16, at:

  • 15:00 GMT
  • 16:00 CET
  • 07:00 PST
  • 10:00 EST

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