Diagnostica Stago Releases New Procoagulant Microparticle Detection Methods

6 Jan 2012
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Diagnostica Stago has announced the release of 3 new products for procoagulant and total microparticle detection. Research into microparticles is currently expanding and study results are frequently discussed at scientific meetings. The newly released products should help researchers to further develop an understanding of how microparticles affect coagulation.

Microparticles are tissue factor-bearing phospholipid vesicles, created by budding of cells on activation, or during apoptosis. Elevated numbers of circulating microparticles have been documented in a variety of conditions and they have been the subject of clinical research studies into various conditions such as cancer, diabetes and sickle cell disease, as well as parasitic and viral infections.

Megamix uses flow cytometry for multi-parameter quantification and standardization of total microparticle detection. This method uses three microparticle sizing beads to optimize microparticle detection, and also allows subset identification and vesicle size measurement. When paired with cell-specific antigen analysis, this method allows for determination of the cell of origin of the microparticle. Peer-reviewed publications reporting the use of Megamix in research applications are publicly available.

The STA® Procoag PPL clotting assay provides functional measurement of procoagulant phospholipids such as microparticles in multiple sample types. As no sample dilution or washing steps are required, the assay allows for microparticle functional analysis in a manner most similar to the physiological conditions. This method is bar-coded and is adaptable to the STA line of automated coagulation analyzers for the purpose of larger clinical studies, and is insensitive to heparin within therapeutic ranges.

Finally, the MP reagent for the Calibrated Automated Thrombogram® instrumental platform is standardized for use on that platform and utilizes a thrombin generation readout to continuously measure functional procoagulant microparticle levels. Sub-sampling and plasma defibrination are not necessary, and the assay is scaleable for medium-throughput research applications.

All three procoagulant microparticle detection platforms are labeled for research use only, and are not for use in diagnostic procedures worldwide.

