Differentiation of Human iPS and ES Cells

16 Jul 2020
Edward Carter
Publishing / Media

AMSBIO has introduced StemFit® for Differentiation - a new chemically defined and animal component-free formulation that enables unmatched differentiation of human Induced Pluripotent Stem (hiPS) and Embryonic Stem (hES) cells.

The unique chemically defined composition of StemFit for Differentiation minimizes lot-to-lot variation, enabling highly consistent cell differentiation. Free of animal- and human-derived components, StemFit for Differentiation can be used to eliminate the risk of immunogenic contamination.

Applications proven to benefit from StemFit for Differentiation include: lineage-specific (endodermal, mesodermal and ectodermal) differentiation where this new product is used to replace serum-free supplements, as well as spontaneous differentiation of hiPSCs to organoids via embryoid body formation.

Used in combination with StemFit Basic feeder-free medium with iMatrix-511 laminin as extracellular matrix, StemFit for Differentiation enables researchers to undertake clinical applications involving both expansion and differentiation of human Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived cells and tissues.

Supplied as a 5X concentrate, StemFit for Differentiation has been formulated for use with basal cell culture medium (e.g. DMEM, RPMI 1640, DMEM/F12 etc.) and a variety of different induction factors or cytokines (including Activin A and bFGF from AMSBIO).

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