Digital Health Forum 2013 (DHF13), Royal Society of Medicine, London, UK, 11 June 2013

22 Apr 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Connect Digital Health, an industry organisation dedicated to promoting the development of digital tools to improve healthcare outcomes, has drawn together leaders in the digital health industry to launch a new invitation-only conference, Digital Health Forum 2013 (DHF13), as a new platform for investors and industry to meet to create new partnerships. Details of the programme and registration can be found at

To be held on June 11th at the Royal Society of Medicine, London, UK, DHF13 will host key executives from across the digital health ecosystem and will showcase the best ‘deal-ready’ digital health companies from around the world and facilitate meetings with potential investors and corporate partners from the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, big data, IT, software and hardware industries.

The event is being chaired by Vishal Gulati, Managing Director of Radiant Capital and founder of Digitome. He has been a specialist healthcare investor in diagnostics, devices, healthcare and biotechnology for over ten years and has served on the boards of companies across Europe, the USA and in India for over ten years. DHF13 is also supported by an advisory board of individuals who have a wealth of experience in the healthcare and digital sectors.

"The purpose of DHF13 is to accelerate the process of developing a healthy investment ecosystem around digital health,” commented Vishal Gulati. “I am delighted that several of the world's leading VC firms, technology majors and pharmaceutical companies will be attending the event, which will showcase some of the most exciting and innovative digital health companies to catalyse investment and partnership in the sector," he added.

This conference will identify and invite investors who may not traditionally be associated with the healthcare sector but have an interest in digital businesses in their broadest sense, along with key individuals within the large data, software and hardware companies who may have interests in the healthcare sector.

John E. Milad, Investment Director at NBGI Ventures and member of the Connect Digital Health advisory board, said "I am excited to be involved with DHF13, which we have created to bridge the divide between the healthcare and digital worlds. Our aim is to promote the success and growth of the emerging digital health movement.”

“NBGI Ventures is supporting this initiative because we believe that the convergence of medical devices, IT and connectivity will be an important enabler for delivering better healthcare to patients, while doing so under favourable health economics. This event will provide fertile ground for entrepreneurs seeking to innovate, and venture investors looking to back them," he concluded.

Participation as a presenting company seeking investment or partnering will be through a highly selective process to identify the hottest digital health businesses. To be considered for selection as one of the presenting companies applications can be submitted in the Hot 5 section of the DHF13 website. A panel of judges composed of digital health VCs and corporate dealmakers will select the presenting companies for their combination of exciting technology and will be mature enough to be ‘transaction-ready’.

