Discover 3D Printing in Science at LABVOLUTION 2017
1 May 2017
3D printing applications are taking the world of science by storm; however, there is still quite a long way to go before regenerative medicine can benefit from the full potential of 3D printing and tissue engineering. The international conference "3D Printing in Science" on 16 and 17 May in Hannover will bring key players and decision-makers from academia and industry together to consider how the use of the burgeoning 3-D printing technology could be advanced in various disciplines and areas. The British company SelectBio is organizing the conference, which will be held parallel to LABVOLUTION with the life sciences event BIOTECHNICA (16–18 May) in Hannover. Conference participants may also attend the trade fair, which takes place in the same hall ‒ literally just a few steps away in Hall 19/20 at the Hannover Exhibition Center.
The conference will address the challenges, technology and regulation issues pertaining to 3D printing in science. With a well-known track record for delivering high quality agendas, this event will include talks from some of the world's foremost leaders in bioprinting, tissue regeneration, microfluidics and toxicology. Among the topics to be featured: 3d bioprinting of soft tissue from lab to clinic; biomicrofabrication via low-voltage electrospinning patterning; development of biofabricated implants for osteochondral regeneration; bio-pick, -place and -perfuse (Bio-P3): a new instrument for building living tissue; engineering immune-modulatory niches; and beyond the limits of extrusion-based additive manufacturing for biomedical applications. There will be sessions focused on cell sourcing, bioprinting, biomaterials, scaffolding, immunology and toxicology.
The illustrious list of conference speakers includes Dr. Aldo Boccaccini, Head of the Institute for Biomaterials at the University of Erlangen-Nuremburg; Dr. John Fisher, Associate Chair at the University of Maryland; Dr. Jeffrey Morgan, Professor of Medical Science and Engineering at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, as well as Dr. Michael Gelinsky, Head of the Center for Translational Bone, Joint and Soft Tissue Research at the Technical University of Dresden.