Discover SP-D Makes European Debut at analytica 2010

13 Apr 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

CEM Corporation announces the successful European introduction of a new platform for pressurized microwave digestion technology at analytica 2010, the largest analytical laboratory instrumentation trade show in Europe, which was held March 23-26, 2010 in Munich, Germany.

The Discover SP-D is fast, remarkably easy to use, and is available with automated sample decks in various sizes. The system received an extremely positive response from attendees of analytica just as it did three weeks prior when the system was launched at the Pittcon 2010 tradeshow in Orlando, Florida.

"We are very pleased that Discover SP-D was as well received at analytica as it was at Pittcon," said Michael J. Collins, PhD, president and CEO of CEM Corporation. "We saw strong interest from the environmental sector due to SP-D's workflow and its ability to run priority samples in the midst of a programmed sample run. We also saw great interest in the areas of food analysis and bio-analytics, which have not traditionally been especially strong sectors for us, but the attendees from these fields who stopped by the booth were extremely enthusiastic about the sample size, speed and automation capabilities of the SP-D."

The Discover SP-D can process a typical 0.5g sample of organic material in 10 minutes or less, including cool down, in a sequential format that allows individual method programming for each sample. The system incorporatesautomated pressure control and a novel vessel design that features a securesnap-on cap for ease of use. Discover SP-D has individual pressure andtemperature control and individual programming for each sample. The systemmay be set up to run unattended or overnight. The programmed samples can beinterrupted to run a priority sample with the previous program resumingafter the priority sample is run. The system's Synergy-D software provides documentation for traceability of samples.

