Discover the Latest Technologies for Western Blotting
Find out about the latest Western Blotting application notes, videos, news and products
12 Aug 2015
Find out about the latest Western Blotting Technologies
Western Blotting is the method used to separate and visualize proteins. In blotting it is important to consider choice of probe, labeling method (e.g. fluorescence, biotin or enzyme conjugates), detection system and software. This Top List provides you with the latest technologies for western blotting.
Prevention and treatment of cocaine use disorder could be greatly advanced by a more comprehensive understanding of its neurobiological underpinnings. In this webinar, Dr. Noelle Anastasio, Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Texas Medical Branch; and Sarah Swinford-Jackson, Graduate Assistant, Center for Addiction Research, University of Texas Medical Branch, discuss how a quantifiable and reproducible automated Simple Western assay in ProteinSimple’s Wes™ can be used to examine serotonin and glutamate receptor expression, as well as protein:protein interactions from rodent brain samples.
Click here to watch the webinar or read more about western blotting systems from ProteinSimple.
2. Product: Create Flawless Western Blots with BioRad's PrecisionAb Antibodies
The western blotting experts at Bio-Rad have joined forces with the antibody experts at AbD Serotec to develop PrecisionAb Antibodies. These premium antibodies for western blotting provide superior performance and reproducibility to help you produce the highest-quality western blotting data. Every PrecisionAb Antibody is rigorously tested and selected based on the parameters most important for western blotting detection, including high specificity, high sensitivity and consistency. In return, this offers reproducible results and confidence in your data.
To find out more about this product, click here.
3. Application Note: Fluorescent Immunodetection using the Snap i.d. Protein Detection System
Recent advances in fluorescent dye chemistry and blotting membranes coupled with improvements in instrumentation have accelerated the application of fluorescence detection methodologies to western blotting. The SNAP i.d. Protein Detection System from EMD Millipore has been developed to substantially shorten the time required for fluorescent immunodetection through the use of vacuum. This application noted discusses how the SNAP i.d. Protein Detection System can be optimized for this purpose.
To read this application note, click here.
4. Product: A New Perspective on Western Blot Imaging; The Gel Company's Omega Lum W Imager
The Omega Lum W is a new system designed to offer multiplex imaging in the Red, Green and Blue Channels. The Omega Lum W allows you to image multiple proteins simultaneously without having to strip and re-probe, or get better resolution of closely resolved bands. The system offers full automation of western blot and gel imaging, with its SmartCapture Technology™ eliminating the need for filter selection and focus adjustment.
Find out more by clicking here.
5. Product: C-DiGit® Blot Scanner for Chemiluminescent Western Blots
The LI-COR C-DiGit Chemiluminescent Western Blot Scanner is the perfect integration of quality and price, designed to help you develop film-quality images without the hassle and expense of film development. TheC-DiGit™, which doesn’t require film, eliminates the need for multiple exposures, saturation, developer and separate analysis, whilse lowering expenses and reducing mess.
To find out more, click here.
6. Application Note: Enhancement of Chemiluminescent Images with ChemiDoc-It System
When capturing western blots with any CCD camera-based system, the detection of the signal produced is not typically visible without software enhancement. In this application note, learn how to enhance low light chemiluminescent images and how the UVP BioChemi System can generate extremely intense band signals which drastically lower the detection limit for the protein.
Read the application note by clicking here.
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