DiscoveRx, a leader in GPCR assays, launches a 30 second assay for Beta-Arrestin based screening

9 Apr 2007

With the PathHunter™ Flash Detection Kit, Beta-Arrestin recruitment by a GPCR can now be detected in 30 seconds, permitting screens of up to 1,000,000 compounds in 48 hours. Unlike lengthy reporter gene assays, PathHunter Beta-Arrestin assays are direct and hence minimize the opportunity for off-target effects. A ligand-activated, GPCR-arrestin interaction combines two Beta-galactosidase fragments, enabling rapid chemiluminescent detection in a homogeneous format. The kit is designed for whole class of plate readers with onboard fluidics and flash detection mode.

Additionally, screening campaigns can be accelerated by conducting Beta-Arrestin and calcium assays in the same well on same instrument, without need of cell fixation, when using instruments capable of real-time fluorescence and flash chemiluminescence. The ability to run intracellular calcium assays in combination with the homogeneous, chemiluminescent PathHunter Beta-Arrestin assay helps drive the costs of primary screening campaigns down while significantly increasing the speed of compound characterization. Either run alone or in combination with calcium mobilization, with launch of the Flash Kit, GPCR Screening has now become even faster.

With an expanding list of GPCR Beta-Arrestin assays (>90 assays) being added to its product offering, DiscoveRx has a solution for virtually any GPCR screening campaign. Standard chemiluminescent detection for batch mode processing or flash detection for kinetic measurements, we have a solution for you. Call us to discuss your GPCR screening needs.

