DiscoveRx PathHunter™ eXpress Kits and GPCR Profiling Services: GPCR Research Made Simple

11 Sept 2008

DiscoveRx announces the launch of PathHunter™ eXpress β-Arrestin assay kits for use with chemiluminescent microplate readers as well as Caliper® LabChip microfluidics platform. PathHunter™ β-Arrestin assay detects binding of an agonist to a GPCR of interest by directly measuring β-arrestin binding to the activated GPCR. With a broad panel of receptors available as ready to go GPCR kits, GPCR profiling and research is easier and simpler than before. No need to send out compounds for profiling. Use of the pre-validated eXpress β-Arrestin cell kits eliminates the requirement for cell culture and enables profiling on multiple targets in minimal time at your site!

For those who prefer to have the analysis done by DiscoveRx, we offer a wide variety of profiling and screening services for selectivity screening, secondary screening and SAR. With the ability to detect unique pharmacology using PathHunter Arrestin technology, you will be getting valuable information about drug efficacy and specificity outside of traditional assay formats. Come meet us at ELRIG show Booth number (H01) and discuss your GPCR needs. Be the first 50 visitors to our booth to receive a gift and register to win exciting prizes.

