DLReady Certification Awarded for Synergy 2 and Synergy HT Multi-Detection Microplate Readers

3 Nov 2006

BioTek Instruments has received DLReady™ certification for dual-luciferase assays on both the Synergy™ 2 and Synergy™ HT multi-detection microplate readers.

Awarded by Promega Corporation, this certification validates an instrument to the highest performance levels and standards for the Dual-Luciferase® Reporter (DLR™) Assay System, which is one of the most common luminescence-based assays for measuring gene transcription and control in microplate format.

The DLR Assay System provides rapid quantitation of firefly and Renilla luciferase reporters in transfected cells or in cell-free transcription/translation reactions. The combination of two reporter assays in one system provides improved efficiency in less time with attomole sensitivities and no endogenous activity in the experimental host cells.

Synergy 2 and Synergy HT multi-detection microplate readers provide flexibility and performance through a variety of detection modes in addition to luminescence and injection options, including Fluorescence Intensity, Time Resolved Fluorescence and UV-Vis Absorbance. Synergy 2 also offers Fluorescence Polarization and increased detection sensitivity. Each multi-detection microplate reader is powered by BioTek’s Gen5™ data analysis software.

