DLReady™ Certification for the Omega Series of Microplate Readers - BMG LABTECH’s Newest Series of Multifunctional Readers with Unique High Speed Full Spectrum Absorbance

30 Nov 2007

DLReady™ certification, awarded by Promega Corp., validates an instrument that has passed the strict performance levels and standards required for the Dual-Luciferase® Reporter (DLR™) assay system. DLR™ is one of the most commonly used luminescence assays for measuring gene transcription in a microplate format. Using firefly and Renilla luciferases as reporter genes, the DLR™ Assay System rapidly quantifies gene expression in transfected cells or in cell-free transcription/translation reactions.

BMG LABTECH’s FLUOstar Omega, POLARstar Omega, and LUMIstar Omega have all been certified by Promega. The Omega is the world’s only DLReady™ multidetection microplate reader that can capture a full absorbance spectrum (220 to 850 nm) at a resolution of 1 nm. Read times faster than 1 second per well are possible. This makes the Omega the 3rd series of BMG LABTECH life science readers that have been DLReady™ certified, along with the OPTIMA and Galaxy series and the NOVOstar microplate reader with micropipettor.

For technical information on performing the DLR™ assay on the FLUOstar Omega, POLARstar Omega, or LUMIstar Omega microplate reader, an application note can be downloaded via the article webpage.

