DNAnexus Partners With QIAGEN to Integrate Its Cloud Genomics Platform With Ingenuity Variant Analysis

Cloud genomics platform facilitates end-to-end solution for clinical research

8 Oct 2015
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor

DNAnexus Inc., the leader in cloud-based genome informatics and data management, today announced that QIAGEN, a leading global provider of Sample to Insight solutions to transform biological materials into valuable molecular insights, has integrated the DNAnexus cloud genomics platform with Ingenuity Variant Analysis, QIAGEN’s leading variant interpretation solution. Researchers globally now have the ability to choose a sequencer independent, cloud-based solution for analyzing and interpreting their NGS data by uploading raw sequencing data into the scalable DNAnexus cloud platform and seamlessly generating uniquely actionable biological insights through QIAGEN’s Ingenuity Variant Analysis.

“Adoption of QIAGEN’s universal bioinformatics solutions is growing rapidly as NGS becomes the norm for translational research in cancer and other diseases,” said Dr. Frank Schacherer, Vice President Discovery Genomics at QIAGEN. “The HIPAA-compliant DNAnexus Platform provides seamless and secure integration from the sequencer to QIAGEN bioinformatics tools where disease-focused researchers now have a complete solution to move rapidly from raw data to valuable insights.”

Ingenuity Variant Analysis leverages expert, manually-curated literature and powerful Path-to-Phenotype™ capabilities to relate biological phenotype with human variation data. The DNAnexus Platform enables QIAGEN to run best practices secondary analysis in the cloud, providing a secure, reproducible, cost-effective, and scalable solution. In addition, the DNAnexus export tool enables customers to securely transfer variant data into QIAGEN’s Ingenuity platform automatically for downstream analysis, including annotation, interpretation, and variant reporting.

Furthermore, while exploring variants inside of Variant Analysis, researchers can easily refer back to supporting information such as the mapped reads found in a BAM file on DNAnexus, and view this data along with the variant data inside of a genome browser. This integrated solution allows researchers to rapidly identify, prioritize, and validate the most promising variants for follow-up. Dr. Schacherer will be in attendance at this year’s American Society for Human Genetics in Baltimore to further discuss details of the partnership to Society members.

“The DNAnexus Platform is becoming the go-to solution for data interpretation tool providers who are seeking a secure, compliant, and scalable environment on which they can deploy and expand their product offerings,” said Richard Daly, CEO of DNAnexus. “We are proud of the collaboration with QIAGEN, which allows clinical researchers to move seamlessly between the two environments providing a powerful new end-to-end analytical solution for genomic biomarker discovery and interpretation.”

By providing the global network for genomic medicine, DNAnexus is removing barriers to genomic insight; whether those barriers are geographic boundaries that hinder collaborating across national borders, disparate organizations sharing and analyzing data together, or financial barriers for customers not looking to invest in additional IT infrastructure.

