DNASTAR and the Institutes of Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic) sign Lasergene Multi-Site License Agreement

8 Apr 2008

DNASTAR, a leading bioinformatics software company, and 2 Institutes that are part of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Prague, CZ announced today the signing of a broad license agreement for the use of Lasergene® sequence analysis software developed by DNASTAR.

Under the terms of the site license, Lasergene will be available to an unlimited number of users for a 4 year time period at the Prague locations of the Institute of Molecular Genetics and the Institute of Biotechnology, both of which are part of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. Lasergene is a comprehensive sequence analysis software that provides users with tools for performing a wide range of assembly, visualization and analysis operations on data generated by conventional Sanger sequencing method as well as Next Generation techniques. The desktop software allows users to analyze samples ranging from small plasmids up to large bacterial genomes.

Bob Steinhauser, DNASTAR’s Director of Marketing, “The Institutes of Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology of the Czech Republic Academy of Sciences are outstanding research facilities residing in a brand new building of high international standards. We are very pleased they chose to work with DNASTAR for the next several years. This continues the strong growth in revenues we are seeing from Europe. We continue to see business trends where organizations elect to standardize their research platforms to make data sharing among their scientists easier and to simplify training. Lasergene’s novel features make it an excellent platform choice to base their future genomic research needs.”

Lasergene is a comprehensive, easy to use suite of tools for molecular biologists and geneticists used primarily in the assembly and analysis of DNA and protein sequences. The software provides researchers with a broad range of analysis tools that can be used with traditional and Next-Generation sequence analysis projects. It has been sold in over 65 countries worldwide and the Czech Republic Academy of Sciences joins a growing list of public and private organizations that are utilizing the Lasergene sequence analysis software program.

