DNASTAR Launches Arraystar v3.0 Gene Expression Analysis Software with RNA-Seq Capability

19 Mar 2009
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

DNASTAR, Inc., a leading bioinformatics software company, today announced the released of its latest upgrade to its gene expression analysis software. ArrayStar v3.0, brings users new functionality in the areas of normalization, gene ontology and data transformations that can be useful to advanced users. The software also has an optional module, QSeq, that is designed to accept sequence data from Next Generation platforms and use it in digital gene expression and RNA-Seq applications. In keeping with its initial strategy, the software continues to focus on being easy for users to learn how to use and to use for their projects.

ArrayStar v3.0 will continue the focus of providing users with state-of-the-art visualization and statistical analysis tools to permit researchers to rapidly and easily track changes in gene expression levels and the association of genes during experimental research. The addition of handling data generated from NGS sequencing applications permits the quantitization of gene expression data. Its ease of use and ability to work with either microarrays or Next Generation sequence data from a variety of sources greatly expands the utility of the new software.

Bob Steinhauser, Director of Marketing, indicated that, “ArrayStar has allowed DNASTAR to quickly penetrate the microarray gene expression market. The addition of QSeq and its capability to work with eukaryotic genomic data sets will greatly expand our opportunities in this market. The novel approach our developers have used in the design of the algorithms and the software itself has permitted us to seek patent protection. We are extremely excited about this product and see growing acceptance from the market with these additions.”

DNASTAR has been a long time participant in the molecular biology software market. The company produces Lasergene, a sequence analysis software suite; SeqMan NGen, an assembly tool for handling Next Generation Sequence assemblies and GenVision, a data visualization software application in addition to ArrayStar. ArrayStar 2.0 was introduced in June 2007, with version 2.1 being introduced in mid-2008. The introduction of version 3.0 continues the company’s strategy of regularly upgrading its software with new features to provide added value for its users.

