DNASTAR Launches Latest Version of Next Generation Sequencing Software

1 Jul 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

DNASTAR, Inc. introduced today its latest version of Next-Gen sequence assembly software for desktop computers. NGen2.0 is the company’s third upgrade of NGS software in the past 18 months, reflecting the rapidly changing needs of the market. NGen 2.0 features an expanded capacity to permit users to work with larger reference-guided or de novo assemblies. The easy-to-use interface permits researchers to quickly and easily set up projects and either use default parameters or customize the assembly parameters for their unique project. NGen can also be used to assemble data for RNA-Seq projects run in the DNASTAR ArrayStar software platform.

Bob Steinhauser, DNASTAR’s Director of Marketing stated, “NGen provides scientists with the ability to assemble large project files quickly. These files can be analyzed and visualized through Lasergene. With the increasing interest in being able to work with larger data sets, project setup ease and completion time are important to researchers who do not have immediate access to bioinformatics groups for support. NGen’s design, capacity and tie-in with Lasergene for analysis and visualization satisfy user needs for all of these components. Larger user groups will find the new networking capability offered in NGen to be especially valuable and easy to setup. Finally, on a desktop computer costing less than $5,000, we’ve successfully assembled Next-Gen projects with normal depths of coverage using a reference genome up to 250 MB in length, which is the size of the largest human chromosome. This increased capacity will support a wide range of projects in the Next-Gen community.”

