DNASTAR Software Identified as Most Accurate NGS Aligner and Variant Caller

8 Oct 2015
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor

An exhaustive comparison of next generation sequencing (NGS) aligners and variant callers across a wide range of samples indicates that the DNASTAR software achieves the highest accuracy. Comparisons were made with other commercial software from CLC Bio and Biomatters as well as with the open-source BWA and GATK pipeline. The results from all studies and comparisons are the same – DNASTAR software achieves the highest sensitivity, identifies the fewest false negatives, and performs the fastest processing of data.

The company has issued a series of white papers discussing the results and the approach of each comparison as well as a comprehensive white paper comparing data from all tested software.

Tom Schwei, Vice President and General Manager of DNASTAR, said, “DNASTAR has been known for many things in our time supporting scientists in achieving their research goals, including having software that is innovative, easy to use, affordable, and well supported. However, the most important attribute of any software tool is its accuracy. This series of comparisons reveals that DNASTAR software is the most accurate software for aligning NGS data and calling variants. We are very pleased with this result, which is a great foundation upon which to add more functionality as we continue to meet the needs of biologists globally.”

All results are accessible here.

