Dolomite's New Membrane Chip Interface Advances Multiple Microfluidic Applications

10 Oct 2013
Liam McNair
Administrator / Office Personnel

Dolomite, a world leader in microfluidic applications, is pleased to announce the launch of its Membrane Chip Interface, a novel device designed specifically for in-line liquid-liquid separation, liquid-liquid contacting, dead-end and cross-flow filtration, and electrochemistry applications.

Dolomite is pioneering the use of microfluidic devices for small-scale fluid control and analysis. This latest example, the Membrane Chip Interface, has excellent chemical compatibility and the innovative design enables good visibility of the membrane interface during the reaction, allowing experimental observations to be made effortlessly. For maximum flexibility, different membranes and gaskets may be used between the glass chips – a broad range of membranes can be supplied – and custom-designed chips are also available, enabling a diverse array of reactions to be easily performed.

The easy-to-assemble Membrane Chip Interface comprises a porous PTFE membrane mechanically secured between two microfluidic chips, and offers rapid set-up with just standard 1/16” tubing; no additional tools or fittings are necessary. In its standard setup, a 25mm hydrophobic membrane is held between identical top and base chips, with tubing sealed directly to the chip to achieve a low internal volume of 60-l and minimize the dead volume.
