DropPaq Usage Scenarios

7 Oct 2007

Ziath has released DropPaq, a space saving Pocket PC based application to enhance the functionality of a bulk reagent dispenser (a Multidrop or a Wellmate).

With DropPaq, the user can select individual volumes for each column of a 96 or 384 well plate. Enhancing the capabilities of existing equipment; DropPaq opens up greater possibilities to extend the usefulness of the ubiquitous bulk reagent dispenser. The user-friendly interface reduces training needs and facilitates improved process communication through efficient protocol transfer. Following are just two of the possible scenarios where DropPaq can benefit your lab:

Serial Dilution
In several cases, a range of dilutions across a plate is needed for calibration curves, serial dilutions and in many more methodologies. DropPaq can be used to input an increasing/decreasing range of volumes across the plate in sequence (or even out of sequence for randomisation reasons), enabling quick and easy serial dilutions to be performed automatically without the need for a large and expensive discrete dispenser. These methods can be saved and transferred between units, ensuring a standard SOP throughout the process.

Positive/Negative Screening
Often in a screen, you will need to perform an assay in the presence and absence of a particular reagent, drug modifier screens are one such example. Previously this experiment needed to be performed on separate plates or expensive equipment was required to skip columns for dispensing the positive reagent. With DropPaq, columns can quickly and simply skipped by creating a dispensing protocol in seconds; allowing for both positive and negative assays to be preformed on the same plate utilising existing dispensing equipment, leading to simpler and more robust assay point comparison.

