Dualsystems Biotech Announces Profiling Service for Reducing Drug Development Time and Overall Development Costs

28 Jan 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

A fee-based drug profiling service designed to characterize the mechanism of action and identify off-target effects and novel targets for drugs under development is now available from Dualsystems Biotech AG. This early in-depth profiling of drug candidates helps shorten development time, lowers overall development costs, and results in drugs with a better safety profiles. To ensure reliable results, the service utilizes the company’s CaptiVate™ platform.

The profiling process takes approximately 4 to 6 months and includes compound derivatization and toxicity testing, screening against two cDNA libraries, identification of primary interactors, and re-testing of interactors to ensure compound dependency. Compound-dependent interactions of selected target proteins may be further characterized using competition assays, in vitro binding assays, and mammalian three-hybrid assays. The service is capable of profiling several protein classes, including kinases and nuclear receptors. The company does not retain any claim on results or associated intellectual property.

