Dynamica LEDETECT 96 LED Based Microplate Reader

3 Feb 2009
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

LEDETECT 96 is a robotic capable, computer controlled microplate reader for 96 well microplates. It is based on the most modern LED technology, no need to worry about lamp replacements anymore. Easy and safe operation take away the hassle from your daily microplate reading jobs.

• LED Technology
• No more lamp replacements required
• Automatic wavelength detection
• Intelligent LED plugins
• UV Ready
• Low Power consumption
• IVD-CE compliant

LED Technology: Instead of lamps and filters, LEDETECT 96 is fitted with up to 6 intelligent, wavelength specific LED-plugins (patent pending). Each plugin contains it's own digital ID, LED-light source, filter and lenses in one easily exchangeable component.

Unrivaled optical performance: Using LED's as light source moves all those known problems with halogen lamps used in other readers to history. LEDs are known for their high and extremely stable light energy paired with very low energy consumption at no heat development. These features combined in LEDETECT 96 are the basis for it's great optical performance.

Intelligent LED Plugins: Each wavelength is defined by a so called "LED plugin". Each plugin includes Light source, filter, lenses and electronic plugin identification. Adding new wavelengths or exchanging existing ones is as easy and safe as 1-2-3. Auto-recognition of the individual plugins takes away the worry about filter positions in the reader.

Computer Controlled & robotic capeable: LEDETECT 96 featrues a self centring plate carrier and is fully computer controlled. Capture 96 (included) allows to read plates and collect the raw OD data from the reader. With it's clipboard function, it allows to paste raw data into any spreadsheet program for further calculations. For more advanced calculation requirements connect LEDETECT 96 to the most modern data reduction software packages, such as Mikrowin 2000.
