DyNAmo™ Flash Probe qPCR Kit

20 Apr 2008

Finnzymes has launched a new qPCR kit for probe chemistry with enhanced performance. DyNAmo™ Flash Probe qPCR Kit delivers sensitive and reproducible results with significant time savings in both conventional and fast real-time PCR instruments.

DyNAmo Flash Probe qPCR Kit is optimized for hydrolysis probes (e.g., TaqMan probes) and it can be used with both block- and capillary-based real-time PCR instruments. The optimized reagents and extremely short cycling times allow maximum speed thus increasing sample throughput. DyNAmo Flash qPCR kit for SYBR Green chemistry is also available. When using RNA as starting material, we recommend DyNAmo cDNA Synthesis Kit to ensure high-quality results.


  • Extremely fast protocols: combined annealing and extension step of only 15 s
  • Specific and sensitive detection of a wide range of template concentrations
  • Included dUTP allows the use of UNG for prevention of carry-over contamination
  • Convenient 2x master mix and optimized protocols
  • Validated with all major real-time PCR instruments
  • Licenced for qPCR

