E-Notebook v13 Released for Biology and Vaccine Sciences

20 Oct 2011
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

PerkinElmer Informatics have released version 13 of its flagship E-Notebook. The latest release of E-Notebook includes new usability updates: the most extensive update is a modernized, more intuitive user interface which enables scientists to work in a more natural manner, increasing productivity and enhancing the overall experience. This release is focused on biology workflows, and includes new functionality designed for vaccine research. Biologists have traditionally worked with free-form data (i.e. text documents and spreadsheets) rather than structured data forms more familiar to chemists. E-Notebook v13 is targeted at workflows which rely heavily on text, spreadsheet, and image data.

With E-Notebook v13, scientists will use a ribbon-based interface, aligning E-Notebook with the Microsoft Office suite of products. The seamless integration between E-Notebook and Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, means users can control their E-Notebook experiments in the same manner, using ribbons and drag-and-drop operations.

E-Notebook v13 also adds the ability to display experimental data in a single document. The vertical layout allows a scientist to present an experiment with greater control over the presentation. The traditional tabbed view is still available, and users may choose which option is preferable as a default.

Support for Drag and Drop allows scientists to add a data file simply by dragging it into their experiment. E-Notebook v13 recognizes the type of data, and adds it to the experiment in the most appropriate manner. Content within E-Notebook may also be arranged by clicking and moving to the desired position.

“This release of E-Notebook places an enormous emphasis on improving usability,” said Michael Stapleton, General Manager, PerkinElmer Informatics. “We are enhancing scientists’ productivity while preserving the core strengths and capabilities which have made E-Notebook an industry standard.”

E-Notebook v13 includes a new module designed for vaccines research workflows. The Vaccine Studies module is the latest E-Notebook component to support the unique workflows of a specific scientific discipline. The Vaccine Studies module comprises forms to capture and track the process of planning and carrying out a study, with emphasis on the testing of immune responses in animal models. Scientists will use specially designed forms to capture information describing the sourcing of animals; their housing and care information; the division of animals into treatment groups; and the specific dosing and treatment schedules for each group. Additional forms capture the data associated with each study task, including weighing, injections, and samplings. Pre-configured dashboards allow individuals to quickly view the work assigned to them, while managers access project or experiment level views for real time status reports.

The Vaccine Studies module also includes digital signature workflows, allowing complete tracking and intellectual property protection of experimental data. The E-Notebook audit trail captures all data entry and experimental actions for full traceability into the history of an experiment. The functionality and documentation of the Vaccine Studies module were developed to support deployment in a GLP environment.

