
EasyDrop Contact Angle Measuring Instrument - three fold simplicity

8 Feb 2006

EasyDrop Standard, USB and Smart: with these three instruments in the new KRÜSS product range you can now measure contact angles and surface free energy as quickly and simply as never before.

The trio offers everything required for both routine lab work and on-site measurements. Newcomers to the measuring techniques for wetting processes can rapidly achieve results without needing a long familiarization period. Professionals can use the sophisticated analytical tools for research at a high scientific level. The chiefly manual components ensure that EasyDrop remains favorably priced despite its high performance level.

The manual sample table moves the sample to the right position in only a few seconds. Single or double dosing deposits the drop on the surface in no time at all. The regulable illumination and image sharpness together with the 6-fold zoom ensure optimal drop presentation. The high-quality camera records the digital image and allows perfect drop shape analysis. The contact angle and surface free energy can be read off directly or can be protocolled and calculated by time-proven KRÜSS software products.

Classical: EasyDrop Standard

The instrument is equipped with an easy-to-use single dosing device, which allows accurate manual or computer-controlled dosing. All standard drop shape analysis methods and all the usual models for calculating the surface free energy are available. Surface and interfacial tension measurements by the pendant drop method round off the program.

Flexible: EasyDrop USB

Measurements on site and with a laptop – no problem with EasyDrop USB. The standard interface makes the framegrabber superfluous and allows the instrument to be set up rapidly and without any complications.

Independent: EasyDrop Smart

The EasyDrop Smart works with an intelligent camera that already includes the know-how for contact angle measurements. It is ideal for on-site use: a well-laid-out display with integral evaluation menu makes the instrument fully independent from a computer and collects the data in a voluminous database.

