Economical Reaction Optimisation in Flow Chemistry!

12 Jan 2009
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

New functionality for the Uniqsis FlowSyn continuous flow reactor allows the user to conduct multiple flow chemistry experiments in a single run - ideal for reaction optimisation, profiling or scale up.

Introduced at the recent 2nd Uniqsis Flow Chemistry Symposium in Cambridge, the optional Multiple Experiment Package integrates the FlowSyn reactor with a Gilson FC203B or FC204 fraction collector to produce a very compact, cost-effective system capable of running up to 10 sequential experiments with different reaction times, temperatures and reagent ratios. Everything, including the fraction collector, is controlled via the easy-to-use FlowSyn user interface, so no separate PC is needed. Setting up 10 experiments takes only a few minutes, as the user only has to set up one reaction completely. This is then replicated to create a series of experiments, in which individual parameters can easily be modified by the chemist using a simple spreadsheet user interface.

Two operating protocols are available. In fractionation mode, reaction products are collected in programmed fractions. In the unique optimisation mode, product is collected, during a programmable window, in a single vial. A small aliquot can also be taken during the experiment and delivered into an LCMS vial where it can be mixed with a quench reagent so that reaction progress can be measured.

FlowSyn offers several choices of reactor. The innovative FlowSyn coiled reactors (patent pending) are available with different volumes and materials – stainless steel, PTFE or PEEK and Hastelloy® and can be used at up to 260ºC and pressures up to 1000psi (~70 Bar) in complete safety.
A variety of column reactors is also available, and the new FlowSyn cooling tray takes reaction temperatures down to -60ºC.

While FlowSyn offers considerable flexibility, Uniqsis is committed to meeting customer needs, and is currently working on a number of customised FlowSyn solutions for client-specific applications.

