ED Clone Range - A comprehensive set of antibodies for studying rat macrophage subtypes...

22 May 2007

AbD Serotec is the originating source of all commercially available ED clones and offers unrivalled superior quality research tools at the most competitive prices.

  • ED1 (CD68)
    MCA341 is an excellent pan macrophage marker. It recognizes CD68, a single chain glycoprotein of 110 kDa expressed predominantly on the lysomal membrane of myeloid cells.
  • 8ED2 (CD163)
    MCA342 labels CD163, a 175 kDa cell surface glycoprotein present on resident rat macrophages. This antibody is a useful tool for staining synovial lining cells and liver Kupffer cells, and can discriminate between thymic cortical macrophages (ED2 +ve) and thymic medullary macrophages (ED2 -ve).
  • ED3 (CD169)
    MCA343 recognizes CD169, a 185 kDa cell surface antigen expressed predominantly on macrophages of lymphoid organs only. All other cell types are ED3 -ve. In autoimmune diseases,many infiltrating macrophages are ED3 +ve.
  • ED5
    MCA530R is a specific dendritic cells.
  • ED7 and ED8 (CD11b)
    MCA618R and MCA619 are two antibodies that recognize a different epitope on CD11b, a heterodimeric protein belonging to the family of cell adhesion molecules. Both markers also stain small microglia in the CNS.
  • ED9 (CD172a)
    MCA620R identifies rat CD172a, also known as signal regulatory protein(SIRP). CD172a is expressed selectively by myeloid cells and by neurons. Anti-ED9 binds to a different epitope on SIRP than OX-41 (MCA274R).
  • ED10
    MCA732 detects reticular elements differentially expressed in secondary lymphoid tissues.
  • ED11
    Like anti-ED10, MCA733R binds to reticular elements in the T cell areas and B cell follicles of spleen, lymph nodes, Peyer’s patches, bronchus and gut associated lymphoid tissues. It also recognizes complement factor C3.

Key References:
Dijkstra, C.D. et al. (1985) Immunology 54: 589-599 (for ED1, ED2 & ED3)
Damolseaux, J.G.M.C. et al. (1989) J. Leukoc. Biol. 46: 556-564 (for ED7, ED8 & ED9)
Van den Berg, T.K. et al. (1989) Eur. J. Immunol. 19: 1747-1756 (for ED10 & ED11)

