Efficient Genetic Modification of Stem Cells (SC) by Electroporation

20 Apr 2006

Current research in embryonic and adult stem cells employs a variety of techniques such as gene targeting via homologous recombination and induced differentiation.

This can be accomplished by Electroporation-Mediated Gene Delivery.

In short, vectors specifically designed to target and alter chromosomal sites are electroporated into the ES cell genome.

BTX Harvard Apparatus offers the ECM 630 Electroporation System and optimized protocols for efficient genetic modification of stem cells.

The BTX ECM 630 applies controlled electrical pulses to a suspension of ESC and the targeting vectors. This allows the introduction of the vector into the cell. This method is Non-invasive, Non-Toxic, and Non-Chemical, and does not alter biological function of the embryonic stem cell.

The ECM 630 Electroporation System is available for use with cuvettes and / or 96 well electroporation plate.

The BTX global technical support team will assist scientists worldwide to optimize their applications and choose the best accessories for their applications.

