Efficient purification of microRNA from animal tissues and cells

27 Jul 2006
Kerry Parker

QIAGEN, the leading provider of nucleic acid purification technologies, has extended its range of RNA purification solutions with miRNeasy Kits. These new kits facilitate miRNA research by enabling purification of total RNA including miRNA or enrichment of miRNA and other small RNAs in a separate fraction. The miRNeasy Mini Kit is suitable for low-throughput purification. The miRNeasy 96 Kit is the first kit available for high-throughput purification in a 96-well format.

miRNeasy Kits enable purification of total RNA including RNA from 18 nucleotides upwards. Alternatively, an miRNA-enriched fraction and a total RNA (>200 nucleotides) fraction can be purified separately. RNA can be purified from a wide range of animal tissues and cells, including difficult-to-lyse tissues such as skin, muscle, and fat.

The simple and flexible miRNeasy procedures provide high-quality miRNA suitable for all downstream applications including quantitative RT-PCR, northern blotting, and microarray analysis. RNA is highly pure and use of miRNeasy Kits eliminates the possibility of contamination with salts or phenol which could otherwise interfere with downstream analyses.

Find out more about miRNeasy Kits and miRNA research at the article webpage.

