Efficient Transfection of Human Chondrocytes

30 Jul 2008

Nucleofection® allows efficient and reliable non-viral transfection of primary human chondrocytes with up to 74% transfection efficiency and up to 84% cell viability.

The study of human chondrocytes is of major importance in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. However, research was often performed on chondrocyte-like cell lines rather than on primary human chondrocytes. To overcome this, Lonza, through its new subsidiary Amaxa, developed Human Chondrocyte Nucleofector® Kits for single reactions and up to 96-well transfections.

To find out more about the efficient transfection of human chondrocytes visit the article webpage.

Image, courtesy of Dr. Jochen Haag, University of Leipzig, shows typical Nucleofection® results of human chondrocytes, analyzed by fluorescence microscopy.

