Efficient Transfection of Neuronal Cells

18 Nov 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

PromoFectin-Neuron is a unique cationic, polymer-based transfection reagent optimized for the transfection of primary neuronal cells, glial cells, and neuronal cell lines. Cells take up the polymer/DNA complex through endocytosis, where the polymer is biodegraded into small, non-toxic molecules.

PromoFectin-Neuron is the reagent of choice for plasmid DNA delivery into neuronal cell lines and primary neurons. It is compatible with serum-containing media and its ability to biodegrade in vivo dramatically reduces its cytotoxicity - yielding clearly better results than with other commercially available broad-spectrum reagents. Compared to viral methods, PromoFectin-Neuron allows less complicated and faster nucleic acid delivery with high transfection rates.

