ELGA Wins Internationally Coveted “Red Dot Award: Product Design 2011”

1 Apr 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

ELGA, the global labwater brand of Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies, the world’s leading water technology and service company, has won the coveted ‘Red Dot Award’ for the PURELAB flex.

Born 1955, the Red Dot awards recognise and honour the very best product designs and, in 2011, over 4,400 of the world’s most advanced products from 60 different countries were considered for this internationally recognised mark of excellence and innovation. ELGA has been at the forefront of innovation in laboratory water purification for over 50 years and this latest award follows a string of design awards for the PURELAB flex range.

“ELGA is very proud of this achievement”, said Managing Director of ELGA, Nora IKENE. “Winning the Red Dot is validation we can take our customer’s needs and concepts and deliver a highly desirable product that customers want to own”. Pure and Ultrapure water is the most common reagent used in today’s laboratory and accurate water quality is paramount for consistent reliable results. The PURELAB flex range delivers up to 2 litres of purified water a minute from Type III Pure water through to Type I Ultrapure Water and is both intuitive to use with its unique handset and simple to maintain.

For more information about ELGA and its award winning products please visit the company article page.

