Emission Condensation: No Need for Cooling Liquid and No Risks of Water Spills

7 Nov 2008
Student / Graduate

The new emission condesner from VACCUBRAND reduces energy and water usage as well as being completely maintenance free.

No cooling agent is used overall quite as much as water. This applies especially to vacuum applications in the laboratory, where evacuated solvent vapours must be condensed after leaving the vacuum pump. Drinking or processed water is typically used here most frequently, followed by cooling liquids at lowered temperatures using chillers. This results in accepting the potential risks such as damage caused by water leakage or glass breakage. Also the operating costs (water and energy consumption) for each system is usually rather high, often amounting to hundreds of pounds per year. However, such risks can be eliminated by using a system requiring no liquid cooling medium, like the new emission condenser Peltronic from VACUUBRAND.

With zero water consumption it not only protects this natural resource, but it also conforms to restrictions already effective regarding fresh water consumption, e.g. in England. Additionally, it can be used in locations where there is no cooling water available. Instead of using liquid cooling agents the emission condenser (EK) Peltronic works on the basis of the thermoelectric (Peltier) effect. Inside the EK Peltronic, cooling Peltier elements over a cooled plate directly condense the vapour. The heat sink is regulated automatically to achieve a working temperature of 10°C. Reliability and performance is also achieved through continuous monitoring and optimising the cooling temperature. The condensate is collected in a glass catchpot, which can be removed easily for emptying.

The system is completely maintenance-free, and the vapour contacting parts are made using materials selected for use in the chemical laboratory. Apart from the obvious practical advantages, the Peltronic also has significant cost benefits for the user. The EK Peltronic under typical operating conditions saves up to £800 per year in relation to a conventional system with fresh water cooling. Thus amortization of the costs can be achieved within two years. The EK Peltronic is conceived primarily for applications where condensation under vacuum is not integrated. For example vacuum concentrators and drying ovens. In the case of vacuum system installations (e.g. for networks) the EK Peltronic makes the requirement for additional under bench water and sewers redundant. The EK Peltronic can be mounted onto all VACUUBRAND chemistry vacuum systems. The simple modular set up makes it easy to install it also to existing systems.

