Emmy Staples Tests the New SelectScience Website

Hear what Exact Sciences' Service and Support Manager has to say

22 Mar 2015
Beth Carney

Emmy is a SelectScience Reviewer, and has been a Member since February 2012

Emmy leads the team at Exact Sciences that installs, repairs, and maintains laboratory equipment used for Cologuard, a non-invasive screening test for colorectal cancer. The equipment she uses ranges from handheld pipettes and centrifuges to large fully automated robots and plate readers. “I feel it is important to stay up to speed on the relevant new technologies to help continuously find additional lab efficiencies and best practices,” says Emmy, and this is how SelectScience helps her work. Emmy is also a keen hiker, and has climbed down to the Grand Canyon and back in one day, an impressive feat!

Making Purchasing Decisions

In a usual year, Emmy purchases one or two pieces of large laboratory equipment, and benchtop items are purchased continuously throughout the year. She recently used SelectScience to help make her purchasing decision on plate readers, finally deciding on the CLARIOstar® by BMG Labtech.

You didn’t even know you needed something and now you see there is a new tool that is going to save millions


Emmy Staples

Exact Sciences

About Exact Sciences

Exact Sciences Corp plays a role in the eradication of colorectal cancer. The company has developed Cologuard, the first non-invasive screening test for colorectal cancer that analyzes both stool DNA and blood biomarkers.

Exact Sciences has exclusive intellectual property protecting its non-invasive molecular screening technology for the detection of diseases of the GI tract.

Why SelectScience?

Emmy uses SelectScience to stay informed about the latest and upcoming technologies, even when she is not actively looking to make a big equipment purchase. Using the information on SelectScience helps make the years when she is purchasing a lot easier: “You didn’t even know you needed something and now you see there is a new tool out there that is going to save millions. It is the ease of information found on SelectScience and the quick, four-sentence blurb about each technology that is invaluable.”

Beta Testing the New SelectScience Website...


  • The new navigation and organization of the homepage make sense. The new website makes it easier to get to where you need to be and that is important.
  • The homepage draws your attention to check out the latest news, products reviews and useful information you didn’t even realize you needed to know.
  • The aesthetics of the homepage are perfect and user-friendly. The buttons are the right size, the color scheme is your signature color and the large white spaces and font sizes for different contents make it easier to see different parts of the website.


  • Include the text “refine your search” above the categories on the search page.
  • Emmy would love to see a fast-read compare and contrast of products.

"Many thanks to Emmy for her feedback and continued support and contribution as a SelectScience Reviewer," Beth Carney, Reviews Editor

Learn more about Exact Sciences
Find out more about the ColorGuard Test
Find out more about Emmy

