Enhance assay efficiency by optimizing workflow

Webinar focused on ensuring successful assay transfer

29 Apr 2019
Sophie Ball
Publishing / Media

“You can’t manage what you don’t measure” is a truism. When it comes to the liquid handling component of assay variability both precision and accuracy need to be measured in order to reduce overall assay variability. To improve data quality even further, the same technology can be applied to study assay workflow (e.g., process optimization) to ensure successful assay transfer – saving time, money, and resources. “Assay optimization involves more than a simple tweak of a liquid handler,” says Dr. Nathaniel Hentz.

Dr. Nathaniel Hentz, Artel, and William Ivory, DiscernDX, presented a free webinar, “Understanding Barriers to Successful Assay Optimization with an Eye Toward Automation.” Together Nathaniel and William have over 35 years of experience in the lab and they discuss how you can overcome obstacles to improve data quality and accuracy, as well as successful assay transfer.

The webinar covers:

  • The benefits of measuring both the accuracy and precision of your liquid handler, and how to detect and understand the impact of liquid handling variability on assays.
  • A holistic approach for improving and optimizing assay workflows.
  • Two examples illustrating these principles: automated liquid handling optimization for a model binding protein assay and workflow optimization for a next-generation sequencing (NGS) assay.

All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance and a learning outcomes summary document for continuing education purposes. You can register here to watch the webinar on-demand.

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