Enhance your research with market-leading radiochemicals

19 May 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

PerkinElmer NEN® radiochemicals deliver unparalleled safety, freshness and availability. Over 50 years of experience means you can count on consistent performance for all your radiometric applications. Rely on PerkinElmer to have everything you need, anytime you need it.

125I- and 131I-labeled Compounds
PerkinElmer offers a wide range of iodinated compounds, specific for:
• Receptor and ligand characterization
• Receptor distribution
• Screening for drug discovery and development

Custom Radioiodination Services
PerkinElmer labels your compound with 125I or 131I using the most appropriate methods to meet your exact specifications. In addition, we can remove unbound iodine from your products.

Available Iodination Methods
• Chloramine-T
• Bolton-Hunter Reagent
• Lactoperoxidase
• Other Custom Labeling Methods
• Exchange Labeling with Sodium Iodide

PerkinElmer's 125I and 131I Radionuclides Feature:
• High purity
• High concentration
• Excellent labeling efficiency; high incorporation
• Fresh Lot schedule
• NENSure™ packaging—maximizes recovery of material

Instrumentation for Detection and Analysis
PerkinElmer is the world leader in radiometric detection instrumentation. Available instrumentation includes:
• WIZARD® Automatic Gamma Counters—outperforms all other gamma counters with all sample types and for every gamma-counting application
• Tri-Carb® Liquid Scintillation Analyzers—the most versatile and sensitive instruments for detecting small amounts of alpha, beta and gamma radioactivity in vial formats
• TopCount® and MicroBeta® Scintillation and Luminescence Counters—manage alpha, beta and gamma counting applications in microplate formats

