Enzo Life Sciences Announces New Kits, Proteins, Antibodies and Compounds

25 Jan 2011
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Enzo Life Sciences announces two new kits: Angiotensin A EIA kit and IL-13 (human), EIA kit.

Angiotensin A EIA kit
The Angiotensin A EIA kit is a colorimetric, competitive immunoassay for the quantitative determination of Angiotensin A in plasma and serum samples. This kit contains a pre-coated 96-well plate ready-to-use color coded reagents, and measures as little as 8.3 pg/ml of Angiotensin A in just 3 hours.

IL-13 (human), EIA kit
The IL-13 (human), EIA kit is a colorimetric, immunometric immunoassay for the quantitative determination of IL-13 in human plasma, serum and cell supernatant. This kit reliably measures as low as 1.71 pg/ml of human IL-13, provides results in just 2 hours, and is stable for up to 1.5 years.

New Proteins
Darcin (mouse), (recombinant)
Source: Produced in E. coli

HSP60 (human), (recombinant)
Source: Produced in E. coli

PEDF (human), (recombinant)
Source: Expressed in CHO cells

New Antibodies
BAFF (human), mAb (1-35-1)
Host/Isotope: Rat IgG2a
Specificity: Human
Application: Flow Cytometry

New Compounds
Anomalin A - Potent p56lck tyrosine kinase inhibitor
R-(-)-Glucoraphanin . potassium salt - Cytochrome P450 modulator

