ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S. – Ideal for PCR

15 Oct 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

In PCR reactions, contaminations have to be avoided to ensure reproducible results. Within the many factors that lead to contaminations, the pipetting step is one of the most crucial. Contaminations can be easily transferred into the sample by the pipette or even by the tip itself.

Aerosols, originating from samples, are transported via air flow towards the pipette cone. DNA, which can be contained within aerosols, contaminates the pipette cone. In a next pipetting step this DNA contamination can be transferred from the pipette cone into the next sample and therefore cause unwanted contamination effects.

Filtertips are used to protect samples from contaminations. ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S. are currently the best choice in the market. The distinctiveness of these tips is their blue-white double layer filter. In two-step protection, splashes and larger aerosols are retained in the first phase and smaller aerosols and biomolecules in the second phase. This new two-phase technology results in unmatched protection rates.

The outstanding performance of the ep Dualfilter T.I.P.S. was proven by an independent institute (ITEM, Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine) in Hannover, Germany.

