Eppendorf Announces the Latest Version of its PC Software for Controlling the epMotion Automated Pipetting System

9 Mar 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

The epBlue ID® incorporates new barcode management functionality to provide secure sample tracking. The epMotion PC version with innovative epBlue® software sets a new benchmark for the most convenient way to use an automated liquid handling system. Operating and programming is easy and fast – even complex methods can be generated in minutes.

The intuitive menus and the consistent, tab-based structure guide the user through the software functions. Pipetting pattern recognition, labware database and liquid classes are built-in and organized for unprecedented ease of use.

According to Holger Eggert, global Product Manager Automation, ‘This latest version of the epMotion operating system has been developed specifically for users working in regulated areas where sample safety and the requirement to track and document each individual specimen are of paramount importance. The barcode management functionality of epBlue ID® software will be of particular benefit in molecular clinical diagnostics, medical research, pharmaceutical development and quality control, forensic science and food testing.’

All five different epMotion systems – designed for routine pipetting, cell culture, liquid handling, vacuum technologies and PCR set-up – are available in a PC version with epBlue ID®software.

