Eppendorf BioNews magazine – valuable information available as a free download

28 Jan 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

A new issue of Eppendorf BioNews is now available. Published by Eppendorf AG, Germany this biannual magazine introduces readers to current products and provides applications or protocols written by specialists.

According to Berrit Hoff, Eppendorf BioNews Editor-in-Chief, ‘The latest issue has 24 colourful pages, including a special eight-page section of Application Notes contributed by guest authors and members of Eppendorf’s international team of application specialists. “In the spotlight” features the new Eppendorf Plate® Deepwell 96 and 384, while other articles range from micromanipulation techniques for transgenic labs, to using the Mastercycler®ep realplex in food analytics, plus news and tips on hot topics. There is even a crossword competition offering prizes such as a highly desirable Montblanc® Meisterstück fountain pen and three MP3 players.’

Since its launch in 1993 Eppendorf BioNews has proved to be a popular source of information for researchers worldwide. New subscribers can download Issue 28 and subscribe online free of charge by visiting the Article Webpage.

