Eppendorf DualChip® GMO microarray for fast and safe analysis of genetically modified organisms in foodstuff

17 Apr 2006
Kerry Parker

The new EU-wide regulations for gene technology identification define that more than 0.9% GMO (genetic modified organism) in foodstuff must be identified. Detection of these recognized GMOs is challenging in itself, and many new GMOs are currently in development or are waiting for their EU approval.

The DualChip GMO kit, based on Eppendorf’s unique and innovative microarray technology, easily and conveniently enables the detection of GMOs in food in a highly standardized manner. As new GMOs are developed and approved for use, they can also be quickly and easily added to the existing microarray. For even quicker results, DualChip GMO can be used with the Eppendorf Silverquant® detection system to automatically analyze all GMO markers in parallel with high sensitivity and process safety.

Due to the microarray format, newly approved GMOs can easily be added. Eppendorf will initiate the technological validation by the EU within quarter 2 2006.

