Eppendorf products make a decisive contribution to avian flu monitoring

16 May 2006

Eppendorf real-time PCR systems are providing vital speed and accuracy in laboratories responsible for screening large numbers of samples from domestic poultry and wild birds for the presence of the avian flu virus.

The WHO recommends use of real-time PCR in local veterinary diagnostic laboratories to detect nucleic acid of the influenza A virus, and in national reference labs where the virus subtype, e.g. H5N1, is determined.

The Eppendorf Mastercycler ep realplex offers real-time PCR in less than 30 minutes. Consistently high sensitivity and reproducibility of results are combined with ease of use. Excitation of fluorescent dyes in samples is achieved by an array of 96 individual LEDs, which have a substantially longer lifespan than halogen lamps. With a minimal number of moving parts in the optical detection module Mastercycler ep realplex is more robust and faster than filter systems.

The epMotion 5070 liquid handling workstation provides safe and accurate automated pipetting for sample preparation, reducing the influence of manual errors and enhancing the precision of PCR assays. An optical sensor identifies labware, tips and reagent volumes, while the compact control panel enables easy programming.

According to Albrecht Wiener, Eppendorf UK Managing Director, ‘The accuracy offered by Mastercycler ep realplex is ideal for investigations of avian flu, where detection of the different subtypes provides crucial information on the infection behaviour of the virus. The modular concept and open system approach of Mastercycler ep realplex provide maximum flexibility, complemented by Eppendorf’s optimised reagent kits and extensive software packages. The Japanese Institute for Animal Health, impressed by epMotion’s highly reproducible pipetting, has recommended that its reference labs purchase the system.’ For more information visit the article website.

