Eppendorf’s EU validated DualChip<sup>®</sup> GMO Microarray Kit

20 Jul 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

After the successful market entry of the DualChip® GMO Microarray in 2006, Eppendorf has now launched the 2nd version of this product.

The product is used as a screening tool for EU-authorized and non-authorized GMOs (genetically modified organisms) in food, feed and seed. As a complementary technology to established PCR methods, the tool enables the parallelized screening for multiple transgenic elements in one experiment.

Features like the amplification of target DNA via multiplex PCR reactions, hybridization of the amplicons on the DualChip and visualization of the hybridized targets using Eppendorf’s Silverquant® system remained basic elements of the product.

The most important modification is related to the content of the microarray: The number of targets was increased from 14 to a total of 30. The unique combination of screening elements (transgenic elements commonly used in plant GMOs and plant-species markers) and event-specific markers for detection of specific GMOs provides the most comprehensive screening tool currently available.

