Eppendorf’s new UVette routine pack – ‘Safety in numbers’

23 Oct 2006

Eppendorf UVette, the multipurpose disposable UV/VIS cuvette, is now available in two qualities. The new UVette routine pack for everyday applications complements the company’s individually packaged contamination-free cuvettes.

The Eppendorf BioPhotometer and UVette together fulfil the highest specifications of modern spectrophotometric analysis in the UV and VIS ranges.

Eppendorf UVette is a single-use, fully UV-transparent plastic cuvette for all common spectrophotometrical analyses in the UV and visible range (220 nm to 1,600 nm). Providing a cost-effective and reliable alternative to quartz cuvettes, the UVette’s design enables even small samples of only 50 µL to be measured using a choice of path lengths: 10 mm or, by rotating through 90º, 2 mm for samples with a higher concentration.

The new UVette routine pack offers Guaranteed Eppendorf quality purity level for routine applications which don’t require clean-room purity. A practical reclosable box provides safe storage and easy access, while the cuvette’s deep-lying optical window prevents scratching.

Albrecht Wiener, Eppendorf UK Managing Director, highlights the product’s versatility: ‘Uvettes are ideal for use with the Eppendorf BioPhotometer in rapid, reliable analysis of ds/ssDNA, RNA, oligonucleotides, proteins and bacterial cell density/turbidity measurement. An adapter facilitates use with other spectrophotometers and Eppendorf’s vast experience and expertise in manufacturing optical precision parts are evident in the UVette’s design. Research laboratories in the fields of biotechnology, biochemistry and medicine will find the economical UVette routine pack indispensable for a wide range of applications.’

