Eppendorf Tubes 5.0 mL - Discover a New Sample Handling System

16 Sept 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Food & Beverage labs have to handle samples of very different volumes and origin. With some sample volumes you may face an issue: they need to be processed with large conical screw cap tubes - impractical, inconvenient and often prone to contamination. Eppendorf now offers the »missing link«: the Eppendorf Tube 5.0 mL. This product fills the gap between existing tube versions and enables the simple and safe processing of sample volumes up to 5.0 mL!

Learn more about the Eppendorf Tubes 5.0 mL here.

See how you can save time with the easy handling of the Eppendorf Tubes 5.0 mL.

See how other labs integrated the Eppendorf Tubes 5.0 mL into their workflows.

Order your free sample here:

