Essen Bioscience Announces the CellPlayer™ Cell Migration 96-Well Assay Kit for the IncuCyte™ Live-Cell Imaging System

24 May 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

The CellPlayer Cell Migration 96-well assay offers a more precise and reproducible label-free method for monitoring the key biological processes involved in cell migration. This kinetic assay features automated data collection over a period of hours or days and generates data sets that are optimal for studying pharmacological agents and gene silencing technologies for this important function.

The CellPlayer Cell Migration 96-well assay is run on the Essen IncuCyte, a compact automated microscope that resides inside a standard tissue culture incubator. The IncuCyte software automates the data collection process and provides the subsequent analysis for the cell migration assay which means your cells remain in the controlled environment for the duration of the experiment.
