Essen Bioscience to Showcase Incucyte Live-cell Imaging System and Applications at AACR

Booth #1365

27 Mar 2017
Lois Manton-O'Byrne
Executive Editor

The Incucyte® live-cell analysis platform from Essen BioScience will be showcased at the upcoming AACR conference, booth #1365. A variety of applications will be highlighted at the booth and poster sessions across a multitude of research and therapeutic areas including immuno-oncology, immunology, neuroscience and stem cell biology.

The Incucyte® system, placed directly in a standard incubator, automatically collects and analyzes images throughout the course of an experiment while cells remain unperturbed in a physiologically relevant environment. The platform provides researchers with the ability to gain new insights and understanding into biological processes via real-time, quantitative analysis of live cells.

Poster Presentations

  • CD47 antibody-induced engulfment of human T cell leukemia cells by bone marrow-derived macrophages.
    CD47 is a trans-membrane “don’t eat me” signaling protein that enables tumor cells to evade clearance by phagocytes. Blocking CD47 allows phagocytes to identify and clear tumor cells and is a promising new approach for immunotherapy. The poster will describe a model system for quantitative functional analysis and derivation of mechanistic insights into CD47 modulators as cancer therapeutics.
    Session date and time: Monday, April 3, 1-5pm
    Location: Poster section 26, poster board 7
  • Validation of novel continuous live-cell assays for immune cell activation and killing of blood cell cancers
    Novel high throughput live-cell image-based assays for immune cell activation and killing of target cells enable screening for new treatments for blood cell cancers. The assays allow non-invasive continuous measurement of proliferation, activation, clustering and immune-cell killing of non-adherent tumor cells at industrial scale. Unlike flow cytometry, this approach follows the full time-course of the biology without perturbing the cells and allows cell-cell interactions to be visualized. These assays are amenable to testing new therapeutic antibodies, small molecules and CAR-T approaches.
    Session date and time: Tuesday, April 4, 1-5pm
    Location: Poster section 1, poster board 1

