eTheRNA announces new LNP formulation development and production service
The service aims to support the discovery and early pre-clinical development of RNA-based therapeutics and vaccines.
29 Mar 2022
eTheRNA Manufacturing, a specialist RNA process developer and manufacturing member of the Belgian eTheRNA group, is introducing a new Lipid Nanoparticle (LNP) formulation development and production service to support the discovery and early pre-clinical development of RNA-based therapeutics and vaccines.
This new LNP service uses eTheRNA’s proprietary lipid libraries and proprietary formulations to facilitate targeted delivery and tailored biodistribution solutions. Combined with the expertise of its specialist team, the new LNP service has been devised to allow customers to maximize the delivery of their RNA products.
eTheRNA Manufacturing’s LNP formulation platforms employ a range of mRNA and lipid mixing technologies and will provide the market with differentiated alternatives to the LNP formulations in use currently. eTheRNA Manufacturing can also provide phase-appropriate analytical development in parallel with manufacturing process optimization to further assist customers with their RNA product development programs.
Bernard Sagaert, COO and Senior VP of Manufacturing at eTheRNA Manufacturing, said: “The recent COVID pandemic has facilitated the rapid development and approval of the first wave of COVID-19 RNA vaccines, which has led some people to underestimate some of the complexities of developing an RNA-based therapeutic or vaccine. The development of efficacious and safe RNA-based medicines requires a unique set of skills and resources to simultaneously advance both the active drug substance and the correct formulation required for the drug product. Through our long-established focus on RNA manufacture and delivery, and associated proprietary technologies, we have engineered libraries of custom lipids, which enables our LNP formulation team to design the most appropriate LNP for your mRNA application.”
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